It is as a roller-coaster without knowing when it ends, lifestyles change dramatically, and the world can turn around when the disease strikes. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that is capricious painful, has impactful causes, gives no certitudes, and hardly anyone knows the disease in the Netherlands. Lupus has many different symptoms with various causes, which makes the disease complex and gives the possibility to create biases or misunderstandings. The majority cited pain, lifestyle changes and emotional problems. When the world is turned around of patients, there is a need for understanding and empathy from their community.
The awareness campaign touched the floating field of a specified concrete and a vague, abstract campaign. Although there is no call to action included within the campaign, it could be a fraction vaguer and abstract. The choice for this is to be careful of creating biases. The consideration of no call to action within this campaign is the possibility of having a second lupus awareness campaign that focuses on a call to action. Effectiveness will increase by splitting the user journey in the first interaction with lupus and a second call-to-action interaction. Due to the first interaction, the target group already has a base of information on where the second campaign can start.
In all probability, it would be impossible to stop the lupus roller-coaster in the near future. Nevertheless, it would be possible to make the roller coaster more tolerable. By creating more awareness campaigns about lupus, understanding and empathy will increase within the Netherlands’ society. Hopefully, people will understand that lupus is complex and could influence lifestyles significantly through the created campaign. Lupus can unexpectedly turn the world upside down. Understanding and support can relieve a part of the patients’ pain they experience in their suffering.
The first comparison is the scenario that extreme fatigue and exhaustion are often one of the lupus symptoms. This comparison is visualised in a chart that compares the amount of sleep of somebody with and without lupus.
The second comparison is the scenario that light-sensitive is one of the lupus symptoms. This comparison is visualised, so the sun is rising at one perspective and behind clouds at the other perspective. This symbolises the accustomed to loving the sun and the situation of avoiding the sun constantly for some lupus patients due to the sun/light sensitivity.
The visualisation of variation of lupus symptoms is visualised in an illustration that symbolises the scenario that lupus could cause symptoms on the visible part, such as the skin or invisible parts, such as in the longs.
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