The work was carried out by Zet (, where I was employed from 2022-2023. On this page, I describe the project itself and my role during the project. 
Zet, commissioned by the Province of North Brabant, organised the Brabantse Jongerentop. The Brabantse Jongerentop provides a platform for young people from all over Brabant to discuss and engage with topics they deem necessary. This way, youth participation in Brabant takes on a serious form and receives the attention it deserves.
Zet develops engaging interventions to gather input from young people in an accessible manner. Often, we give young people the space to express their opinions in unique ways, ensuring that every voice is heard. Additionally, we facilitate the meetings and collaborate with policymakers to prepare the sessions, ensuring that the input from young people is truly integrated.

Jongerentop 2022 
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Zet, on behalf of the Province of North Brabant, organised the second Brabant Jongerentop at the Tilburg Cultuurfabriek Hall of Fame. Over 140 participants worked on important themes they brought forth: Youth Participation, Housing, Environment (air quality), and Nature. The young participants captured all advice, ideas, and solutions in various forms - in writing, through rap, or via mind mapping.
"It's a delightful event where you directly engage in conversations with people from the province, and your voice is truly heard! And on top of that, you get to meet motivated peers to network with. A win-win situation" // Brabant youth 
We witnessed a diverse group of engaged young people aged 17 to 27, hailing from larger Brabant cities or smaller remote villages. Some came with a political agenda, while others were deeply involved (or concerned) about finding suitable housing, especially if you still need to become an insider in the housing market. What does it mean for you if improving air quality implies reduced air travel or the cessation of wood burning? Recording all ideas and advice is crucial. Deputy Hagar Roijackers (Water, Nature, and Area-based Approach) also emphasises, "We will act on the outcomes of the evening as a college."​​​​​​​
In the organisation of the Jongerentop 2022, I was responsible for handling the participation elements on the large boards (photos 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8) and designing the scenario game (photos 2 & 3). The six participation boards provided participants with various ways to engage on topics that mattered to them. They could write, affix stickers on a chart, place stickers for voting, express their opinions by dropping them into a mailbox, and much more. This playful approach made voicing opinions on intricate subjects enjoyable, stimulating and interactive.
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